IoT “The Internet of Things”

Adrian Felipe Ceron Gonzalez
6 min readJan 3, 2022

The internet of things, IoT (Internet of Things), refers to the digital interconnection of everyday objects with the internet, made up of multiple technologies such as sensors that allow connecting the physical world with the digital world, computers that allow processing that information and platforms website where the data is processed and stored.

This smart grid infrastructure improves operations, increases security, protection and productivity. In addition, it enables you to gain valuable insight into data to optimize automation and discover new lines of business.

The value of IoT is maximized when it can be applied throughout the entire value chain (design, service, Operation, sale); this implies Connected Products and Connected Manufacturing Processes.

What is an IoT network and what is it for?

An IoT network is a network in which a central node links several connected objects. In fact, homes form their own primitive IoT network when a router links together multiple computers, smartphones, tablets, television, and perhaps some other appliance or machine. The objective of an IoT network is to connect reality and its physical objects with the internet and applications in the cloud.

Home IoT network. In the first example we look at a home IoT. A home with the router as the center of the network from which a smart TV ‘hangs’, the different family smartphones, the home computer and a small network of smart light bulbs, all connected via Wi-Fi.

Enterprise IoT network. In the second IoT network, we observe an Internet of Things network at the business building level. In this case, the company network connects several routers and systems in the same building. The IoT office is born. These systems, in turn, are nodes or central points of smaller systems. This branch is called ‘hierarchy’ and is very common in all types of computer networks.

What are some of the ways that IoT applications are implemented?

The ability of IoT to provide sensor information and enable device-to-device communication is driving a broad set of applications. Below are some of the most popular applications and how they work.

Create new efficiencies in manufacturing through machine monitoring and product quality control. Machines can be continuously monitored and analyzed to make sure they are operating within the required tolerances. Products can also be monitored in real time to identify and address quality defects.
Improve monitoring and “delineation” of physical assets. Tracking enables companies to quickly determine asset location. Delineation enables them to ensure that high-value assets are protected from theft and disposal.
Use portable devices to monitor human health analytics and environmental conditions. Wearable IoT devices allow people to better understand their own health and allow doctors to remotely monitor patients. This technology also enables companies to track the health and safety of their employees, which is especially useful for workers employed in hazardous conditions.
Promote efficiency and new possibilities in existing processes. An example of this is the use of IoT to increase efficiency and security in connected logistics for fleet management. Businesses can use IoT fleet monitoring to direct trucks, in real time, to improve efficiency.
Enable business process changes. An example of this is the use of IoT devices for connected assets to monitor the health of remote machines and activate service calls for preventive maintenance. The ability to remotely monitor machines is also giving way to new product-as-service business models, where customers no longer have to buy a product, but instead pay for its use.

IIoT, the industrial internet of things

One of the most widespread applications of the IoT is the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) or industrial internet of things (IdCI). It is widely used in all types of industries:

Logistics. To know where each truck, container and object of the distribution line is, for example. They are also very useful at the warehouse level. Both distribution companies, large airports and even large stores monitor objects and robots within their facilities in order to optimize routes, lower costs or add security.
Manufacturing. The robots connected to the internet that we see on a car assembly line are IIoT. So are the serial printers of a publishing house or the cutting elements of a sawmill, if they are connected to the network. In reality, all kinds of manufacturing processes, from PET bottles to stuffed animals, can be connected and become part of the Internet of Things.
Construction. It is increasingly common to have work machinery sensorized and connected. Knowing where a backhoe is is important, but analyzing its fuel, conservation status or having each component digitized in real time adds a lot of value. In addition, helmets and other IoT PPE are already being used, and warnings are being made in the event of workplace accidents.
Farming. Agriculture is a sector that is little digitized, but humidity sensors, irrigation or planting robots and even collectors that analyze the color of the crops to collect them at their optimal moment or drones that patrol land looking for pests are already being added. If they are connected, they are IoT, which helps traceability and food safety.

Why is IoT security important?

The IoT is a connected network of devices, gadgets, and other items that contain software that enables them to connect to the Internet. This means that not only computers and smartphones can expose your personal data to hackers. Any device, vehicle, device or system that interacts online presents the possibility of revealing personal information to cybercriminals. It’s not just about financial information; for example, hackers can access connected vehicles to disable security features. Since there are so many things connected, there are many more opportunities for hackers to compromise your security. Learn more about what the IoT is here.

Secure device development

An essential way to develop secure devices is to consider security in everything you do. The Security Development Lifecycle (SDL) is a software development process that helps you achieve this. It consists of seven stages, including:

  • Training phase: Fundamental concepts for secure software development, including secure design, threat modeling, secure coding, security testing, and privacy-related best practices.
  • Requirements Phase: Holding a project kickoff meeting is an opportune time to review and plan for critical security and privacy issues for your project, including regulatory requirements.
  • Design phase: Not all software features come second, so build on strengths and add additional layers of security where needed most.
  • Deployment phase: Approved tools should be used, any unsafe features removed, and proper analysis performed during these phases.
  • Verification stage: this phase must be carried out to ensure that the code complies with the privacy and security principles established in the design and requirements phases.
  • Launch phase : Create a plan to control security incidents and respond quickly to them.
  • Response phase: The incident response plan must be executed.

Secure connection

People benefit from the benefits of secure cloud technologies, from encryption to other solutions. Other solutions include:

  • Protect the Internet gateway.
  • Perform a safe boot, which results in a system firmware check before the system boots.
  • Protect regular updates to your provider’s cloud-based solutions.
  • Implement threat monitoring solutions, such as Kaspersky Security Cloud, which helps detect data breaches from your cloud-based accounts.
  • Use a secure VPN connection to encrypt your private browsing data against potential threats.

Developing a secure network

It is important to have access control on the network so that only authorized devices can connect. There are several things you can do:

  • Configure a firewall.
  • Protect authentication keys.
  • Install the latest antivirus software so your network is watched and protected.

Secure data storage

There are many features available to ensure secure data storage, from always-on virus protection for storage to cloud-assisted security solutions and on-demand scanning. Make sure you implement these features and that they work:

  • Flexible analysis
  • Flexible reporting
  • Notification systems
  • Proactive antimalware technologies
  • Centralized and easy-to-use management console

If you can build a strong foundation around these practices, you will strengthen the security of your IoT. The world is changing and the risks are greater. Hardware and cloud-based storage systems hold your fingerprints, credit card information, and other confidential data. Get to associate cybersecurity with everything that connects to the Internet.

